lundi, juillet 24, 2006

To answer an anonymous question

As you can well notice you have not identified these ‘armed individuals’, nor did you specify where this context is set. If you want me to give you a context to the armed forces of the Hezbollah then what you have wrote is – and I can say it without fear of contradiction – not something that exists on the devastated land of reality.

Nonetheless this can give me a pretext to make a quick – to be developed – description of this ‘terrorist’ group the world wants to disarm.

Here is an on-the-ground version of BBC’s ‘Who are the Hezbollah’:

In 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon leaving its common stain of destruction all over the country. This operation which was led by Ariel Sharon was supposed to be aimed at getting the PLO out if the country and was supposed to be called the Litani operation (litany is a river in southern Lebanon which was supposed to be the limit of the invasion and talks about repeating this operation are now in vogue). However, Sharon had the ambition to occupy Beirut so he went on until he got into the city and of course the civilian casualties were far higher than this year’s invasion – the invasion lasted 4 months.

After many days and more massacres (the massacre of Sabra and Shatila in which more than 1000 Palestinian women and children and elderly were killed was one of the highlights of the invasion and Sharon was supposed to be on trial for war crimes related to this massacre in Belgium but unfortunately for the victims and fortunately for him he got into a coma) the national resistance movement was launched and was mainly formed by the communist and other leftist groups. However another resistance was also forming, it was the Hezbollah; they started with some spectacular operations like blasting the American Marines HQ and the Israeli army headquarters in the southern city of Tyr and did many suicide bombings against the occupying forces. It was the birth of a new form of resistance inspired by religion and the Iranian revolution.

The Hezbollah was not a political group, nor was it a foreign force, it was formed by the poor Shiite villagers who had their villages occupied and pillaged. After the civil war had ended the new era of the party began – the era of Hassan Nasrallah who became secretary general of the party after the late Abbas el Moussawi was assassinated by Israel. The Hezbollah gained huge popularity due to their credibility compared to other Lebanese parties and to their efficiency in helping those in need of help: they built schools, hospitals, colleges, and helped organize farmers and villagers to make better use of their resources. Another reason why the Hezbollah were popular is the fact that the Shiites of Lebanon had been a marginalized part of Lebanese society and politics until the end of the civil war and the Taef accord which gave them a presence in the political life of the country. The Lebanese political system always revolved around Sunnites, Druze and Maronites, the Shiites were the poor rural population in the south of the country usually subject to Israeli attacks from now and then. The Hezbollah gave them a source of relief and a state within the state, protecting them from Israeli attacks and eventually liberating the occupied land of the south.

One thing that must be pointed out is the fact that the Hezbollah did not participate in the civil war – they were preoccupied with fighting their own war against the Israelis who remained in Lebanon until the spring of 2000.

As for their armed presence, they do not terrorize the Lebanese population whether Shiite or not, they are known to be the most respectable armed forces in the country, and there are many different armed forces in Lebanon (basically even after the civil war was over all the parties kept a certain amount of arms and armed individuals). Discipline and respect is one of their best qualities and if I am to describe some personal encounters it would become too long an essay. As for killing people or shooting at people this is simply nonsense and the records of homicide and diverse shootings in Lebanon can do a better job proving so than I can. During the whole period of relative peace in Lebanon the Hezbollah never used their arms to forward any political or social benefits. That is when you walk in Beirut you will never find an armed Hezbollah individual in sight – however it is true that in their headquarters armed guards are always present, however this is not regarded and should not be regarded as a form of terrorizing civilians. As these guards will not harass you even if you were carrying a bottle of Vodka and going to the building just in front of the headquarters to get drunk at your friend’s place (which by the way does not exist anymore).

The Hezbollah had one internal conflict with the other Shiite group Amal in the early nineties which became a war of influence in the south, however this is something one cannot discredit their whole behavior for.

Another thing one should know about this organization is that its leadership is not summarized in Hassan Nasrallah but in a complex structure of decision making which encompasses many boards or councils which are responsible for the different sectors of work of the party. People from diverse domains of expertise most of which are very highly educated individuals in science, humanities and theology represent the high council of the party. Decision making is not in the hands of the leader but in the hands of specific councils.

As a personality Nasrallah however represents a phenomenon similar to the Jamal Abdel Nasser phenomenon in Egypt. He is a highly skilled orator and a very smart politician who can be as good in speaking to a huge crowd as he can be in a Television interview. His charismatic smile, his moderate speech and his amazing sense of rhetoric makes of him a phenomenon that overcame the limits of his Shiite environment to become an Arab figure of resistance and heroism par excellence.

In short the armed presence of the Hezbollah is not a social issue as much as it is a political one related to the fact that this party has been able to transcend Lebanese influence to become a regional power of resistance that has influenced Hamas to try to copy the example. The Hezbollah has to be disarmed because simply it has made Lebanon a country that can defend itself against its southern neighbor.


At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Hi Wallid,

could you please elaborate more on why Hezbollah was put on the EU terrorist list; why an UN resolution requires to disarm this group? What about its goal to exterminate Israel (or as the president of Iran says says the cancer of the Middle East). What was the reason for Hezbollah fighters to cross the Israeli border kill some Jewish soldiers and kidnap two of them? I guess that answers to these questions may help us (the readers of your blog) to understand the other side of this conflict as well.

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Ayman said...

Hi Walid, let me get into that...

First, terror lists are bullshit. They are there to serve political purpose, there are no clear convention on what is "terrorism", not even inside the UN... Being put on a list of terror is not a real perspective to understand who are Hezbollah and what they do... why isn't Sharon and Bush on lists on terror? haven't they done enough to qualify?

The question is reversed... why does Israel need to cross the border (more than 20,000 times in the last 5 years according to UN peacekeepers) and kidnap Lebanese civilians, religious figures, writers and members of political parties, and bring them into Israel where they are tortured and held for years without Red Cross inspection or any supervision? ... it is natural for Hezbollah and all the resistance movements that preceeded him to try and capture Israeli soldiers to exchange them... they have done that quite a number of times in the past... this is our right to liberate our detainees, it might not be the best one, but it is the only one left for us to do... no one can put pressure on Israel for anything...

Concerning the destruction of Israel, well I think it is an interesting idea that need to be considered without much emotions... i mean, there is a right for the people who were chased away by massacres to return to their lands and houses, there is also a need to stop forgering history and leave the land to its rightful owners. There is no peace that can survive without guarenteeing at least this... UN decisions already call for that... now, if Israel wants to exist on what is left of the land, fine, but this is impossible, so best is to make one secular state for everyone, and where everyone is equal, jews and palestinians... Palestinians were always ready to share, we in Lebanon share the country with a ot of cultures and immigrant minorities whose presence has changed the identity of the country, but we are proud of living together, muslims and christians, westerners and easterners, armenians, kurds, and arabs... same can happen in Palestine...

Before Hezbollah there was a long list of resistance movements. You cannot expect to occupy a country and to murder people constantly and violate their airspace, water, land, and not get any resistance. Hezbollah has been formed by the people of the south, not by Iran nor by Syria. It's our ouwn product and we are proud of it. They want to degrade its value and potential by depicting it as a follower of the iranis and syrians... we always fought alone, and we always will.

At 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

I think Giorgos is right but unfortunately not even Wallid follows these wise advices. In his blog Wallid calls for 750 Israelian civilians to be murdered. This is revenge of the most inhuman form (it is as horrible as what orthodox jewish priests, extremist islamist priests and neoconservative americans proclaim in their infinite hatred for Otherness). Of course being bombarded in Beirut may make Wallid lose his soul but then this means all hope is lost, if people have such fragile humanity and such deep-seated hatred in them, as Ayman clearly illustrates? Does being bombed inevitably turn you too into a monster, Wallid?

At 10:36 AM, Blogger walid said...

Hey hey hey!!! How did you manage to understand the sentence as calling for the killing of 750 Israelis?! Come on this is too much; I refuse to be subjected to misreading of the kind. Please try to uncover syntax before going judgmental and doing your psychological analysis of people in wars. If you need to, try revising your English language courses, especially the part about ways of expression. I am sorry for being so rude but really you insult me, and more so my language, thoughts, ideals, and my argument. It is such narrow minded and stiff reading of texts, events, rituals, cultures and representations that makes prejudice a mighty thing. I will paste the paragraph here again and expect an apology from your part for (deliberately or not) a complete misunderstanding of a simple sentence and a far too arrogant response that shows clear prejudice:
“In fact I understood what they felt. No one can protect them from the Israeli crimes; no one even bothers to ask about those who die. This alone gives the Hezbollah a reason to be, this alone is enough to fight back. In 19 days 750 Lebanese civilians have been murdered, every Lebanese soul is worth an Israeli one. Before the Hezbollah kills 750 Israeli civilians no one has the right to call them terrorists. Until now the military casualties on the Israeli side are much higher than civilian ones.”

My dear visitor, I am trying to condemn violence not call for more violence. This ‘potential’ killing of 750 Israelis is a way to make you see that killing 750 Lebanese is not less a crime, and to point out to the fact that before calling the Hezbollah who are mainly targeting military targets (the Katiusha is something that will at most make a whole in a building – 100 Kg of explosives compared to the 1,2,3 ton missiles of the Israeli army) terrorists one should first see who’s civilians are being mass-murdered. That is to say – explicitly of course – that Israel is in official terms a terrorist state and that terrorism is not committed by the Hezbollah but by the Israeli Defense Force.

At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.


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